Welcome! Thanks for your interest in Heads Up! Hartford, a nonprofit one-week overnight community service and leadership camp for teenagers finishing grades 8-12. Our 2025 camp will be held from Sunday, June 22 - Saturday, June 28 at the Ethel Walker School, a boarding school in Simsbury, CT. Before proceeding with camp registration, please scroll down to read the information below.
Thank you for considering our leadership and community service camp for your child. Our program is designed to foster leadership, teamwork, growth, and community engagement through hands-on volunteer work with local nonprofits.
It is important to note that our camp is not a therapeutic environment, and we do not have the staffing resources to provide individualized counseling or interventions to campers during camp activities or at volunteer sites. Depending on your child’s needs, our volunteer staff may not be equipped to provide your child’s appropriate environment or level of care.
We encourage you to reflect on whether our camp is a good fit for your child. For the week of camp, campers will work as part of a group, performing 40 hours of work for a variety of community nonprofits. Campers should be comfortable working within a group setting, taking initiative to work on tasks independently without adult prompting, following schedules, taking direction, and contributing to volunteer projects alongside their peers. Campers will be working outdoors and must be capable of independently managing their hydration and wellness throughout the day. Campers can use a staff member’s phone to call home, but our staff are not equipped to provide constant phone access during work days. A good rule of thumb: If your child could self-manage an age-appropriate part-time job, they will typically be ready for a week of HUH service work.
Our camp provides a part-time nurse on campus each day; however, although our staff are all trained in first aid and CPR, registered nurses do not accompany campers on field trips or to work sites and do not stay overnight at the camp.
We welcome all campers who are excited about making a difference in the community and who are ready to take on this leadership opportunity. If you feel your child would thrive in such an environment, we would be excited to have them join us. If you have any concerns about whether the camp is the right fit, please reach out—we’re happy to answer any questions in order to help you make the best decision for your child.
If you have questions, or if you’d like to discuss your child’s situation, please call Rose Murphy at 203-445-3269.
Heads Up! Hartford has been a trusted 501(c)(3) nonprofit for over 20 years. Our volunteers work hard to ensure that all teens can grow at Heads Up! Hartford– as leaders, volunteers, friends, and members of their communities– regardless of ability to pay.
We use a 4-tiered system for camp fees to ensure that we can create more equitable access, enabling all of our teens to experience camp. The tier you select is voluntary and confidential, and does not affect your child’s experience at camp. Please choose the tier that is most appropriate for your family’s budget.
Tier 1: $1150
This is the true and unsubsidized cost of 1 week of sleepaway camp at Heads Up! Hartford, and includes the cost of meals, transportation, equipment, and facility rentals.
Tier 2: $700
This rate is 60% of the true cost of 1 week of camp. It is 30% subsidized by Heads Up! Hartford; we dedicate funds from our volunteers’ fundraising efforts throughout the year to enable more teens to attend camp.
Tier 3: $350
This rate is 30% of the true cost of a week at camp. It is 60% subsidized by our Heads Up! Hartford volunteers’ fundraising efforts.
Tier 4: Other
If tier 3 is not within range for your family, we will work to accommodate your family’s budget so that camp is possible for your child.
There is no additional paperwork needed to access financial aid options; campers and their families should proceed with the registration form.
Your support and contributions will enable us to continue to offer our camp each year. Your donations fund our missions of promoting diversity, developing leadership, and providing community service.
In accordance with state regulations, all campers must submit a physical health form to attend camp. You may use your camper's school physical or other physical form, as long as it is current within 3 years of 6/23/24, and as long as all medications listed on the physical are current and will be taken by the camper at camp. An out-of-date medication listed on the physical means that the physical is not current. It must be amended or reissued by the physician, or you may choose to use a new physical form.
If your camper's school or other physical is not current or is unavailable, you may also use the above camp physical health form, Email your camper's physical health form to huhreg@gmail.com.
MANDATORY for all campers bringing OTC or prescription medications to camp
A Medication Authorization form is a form mandated by the state for any and all medications campers will bring to camp. Prescription medications and over-the-counter medications require a medication authorization form.
Any medication listed on your child's physical will require a medication authorization form signed by both a prescriber and a parent/guardian. If your child's physical lists a medication they will not be bringing to camp, the physical is not current and must be amended by the physician/APRN or reissued. Alternately, you may obtain a new physical or use our camp physical health form.
Scroll down to see a sample completed medication authorization form.
In this sample medication authorization form, camper Michael is bringing a daily allergy medication (Claritin) to camp. Even though Claritin is an over-the-counter medication that is stocked by the camp nurse for camper complaints, Michael needs a Medication Authorization form because he takes Claritin on a schedule-- every night before bed. Michael's father and his prescriber have signed the Medication Authorization Form. Michael will bring the medication to camp in its original container and labeled with his name, where he will check it in with the camp nurse.
After breakfast each day, the camp breaks into teams and heads to nonprofit destinations in and around the city of Hartford: CRT Day Care Centers, elderly and disabled housing centers, FoodShare, and The Village for Children and Families, among others.
Upon returning to our camp facilities, the youth enjoy free time to unwind and get to know the other campers better. The campers then sit down together and enjoy dinner together. Each evening involves either an educational program related to social emotional learning or a leisure activity (talent show, basketball tournament, all-camp games). Time is made for each of the work teams to debrief their day and each day closes with a gathering of all campers, which includes stories of the day and slides of each of the teams’ work sites.
On the weekend, campers fan out to grocery stores to conduct food drives for local food banks. They engage in team-building activities and games, and each team builds a picnic table or bench that is donated to a local charitable organization.
On the final day, our campers enjoy a picnic and excursion to a local state park. That night, members of the community and families are invited to our closing ceremony.
Want more details? Check out our Camp Week at a Glance page!
Campers must have completed 8th grade and can attend as campers up through the summer after their high school graduation.
Each team of 8-10 campers is led by an adult and a college-aged counselor. In addition, there are numerous volunteers who assist with patrolling the grounds, distributing snacks, and keeping the camp running smoothly.
Overnight, professional security staff are on-site. A nurse is at camp each day. Two camp directors are on site to coordinate the staff and all programs.
Our camper Youth Advisory Board leaders (YABs) are integral to Heads Up! Hartford! Click below to read a description of YAB responsibilities or apply to be a YAB for 2025.
Questions about joining the Youth Advisory Board? Email headsuphartford@gmail.com.